воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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So yesterday I�made a breakfast "souffle" recipe that I�got out of the Eat Great Lose Weight (that I�checked out from the library) yesterday for breakfast. It was pretty good, and filling, and I was looking forward to eating it for breakfast this week. Well, we needed to go grocery shopping after breakfast, and my husband convinced me that it was too hot to put in the fridge. So we stuck it back in the oven to cool down while we shopped. You can probably guess what happened....Fast forward to a few hours later, and Iapos;m making an apple crisp. Thatapos;s when I notice that we never took the souffle out of the oven. I had to toss it :( :(

I was SO MAD. I should have known we would forget it was in there. Next time I will just stick whatever in the fridge, hot or not.

I guess I can make something else today to have for breakfasts this week. I want to get back to eating eggs or egg beaters in the morning, because I can feel full longer on fewer calories when I eat eggs. But I never feel like cooking much in the morning, which is why I usually reach for cereal instead.

Anyway, so back to the apple crisp...so yeah, I�guess I lied about no more baking. But it was my anniversary and I wanted a dessert to go with dinner. And it turned out great It wouldnapos;t be so bad calorie-wise if I didnapos;t feel so obligated to eat ice cream with it. Maybe I need to buy some lite cool whip to eat with it instead.

I have no idea if Iapos;ve lost or gained this week, since Iapos;ve moved to only weighing myself once or twice a week. I was always a believer in daily weighings before, but now that Iapos;ve switched to once-a-week, Iapos;m much happier.

Hope everyone is doing well.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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The Yeah Show was quite good la. The priest was quite funny and realli...there werenapos;t many christian messages. Hmm the dude from hk sang quite well too. The guys danced quite well Interesting.

Feeling tired. I�have been out two nights in a role. Me and Eliz somehow had become closer this yr. It had been fun =) I�hope jess had fun from granny smith today too. Itapos;s good to be 23. I wonder how time will pass by as always. Instead of worrying about the future, ...we might as well focuz on the present.

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First point. SOOOO�sick of people who apos;unintentionallyapos; or apos;intentionallyapos; fish for compliments. Itapos;s so intentionally stupid yet so wierdly unintentionally sickening that youapos;re actually doing this So it makes you feel good la??? I donapos;t go @*#)(@*#(*@# whenever @#@()#* happens and when I obviously know why I donapos;t go on and on about @(*#)@(#*@#. Itapos;s damn lame really. If you are whatever you are, you donapos;t have to INTENTIONALLY remind people what you are. Thatapos;s actually very the not pretty to do it.�You see those really pretty people doing it? No right? Then donapos;t laaaaaa It makes you less attractive than I thought you were, know?

Second point. I miss qiuting. I�feel so sad that sheapos;s away I hope sheapos;ll come back soon.�Iapos;ve missed out so much time with her. Iapos;m guilty for spending so much time with idiots like zherui and not my friends. @#*@#*@)(#*

I had so much fun with Abigail, Huifeng�and Kristine and except for Huifeng (cuz she already is), I�wish they were my closer friends.�Cuz theyapos;re so funny and pure Itapos;s through them I realized how much Iapos;ve missed out, grown into this unable to laugh so much person. I need to force myself into their schedule cuz hanging out with them reminds me that Iapos;m still young and I should just sing on the streets like them and proclaim myself Jolin Tsai( HAHAHAH�ABIGAIL)�as well

Third point. I went to Melapos;s hse today and I had SO�MUCH�FUN�playing BOXING My arms are aching like shit nw And if itapos;s not for *@#(@*# who said @*#)@(#* I wouldnapos;t feel so sad now.

Fourth point. My room is forever messy Dunno why :( And my momapos;s been nagging @ me a lot cuz I kept buying clothes. And Iapos;ve been mentally nagging myself that I bought too many black stuffs and those colourful stuffs that I want gets snapped up soooooo easily.

Shannonapos;s calling me bye

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boone county library harrison ar

Am Donnerstag hatte ich mein erstes Seminar, in dem ich ein Referat halten und eine Hausarbeit schreiben muss. Gl�cklicherweise haben Markus und ich uns das Referatsthema ,,Das Spiel"�unter den Nagel gerissen, auf welches ich dann auch meine Hausarbeit aufbauen werde. Ich bin voller Ideen, was das betrifft. Durch meinen Kopf gehen so viele M�glichkeiten. Das Referat m�ssen wir ja eher allgemein halten, aber in der Hausarbeit kann ich dann auf das eingehen, was mich am meisten interssiert. Im Moment hab ich da folgende Idee:
1. Das Spiel in integrativen Einrichtungen /Kinderg�rten (also wo behinderte Menschen/Kinder und nicht-behinderte zusammen spielen)
2. Das Rollenspiel in der P�dagogik
3. Spielen in der Schule (da kann ich auf verschiedene Schulformen eingehen)
4. Spielem im hohen� Alter (also im z.B. Im Altenheim)
Meine Tendenz geht im Moment sehr stark zu Thema 1. Da kann ich dann in nen integrativen Kindergarten gehen und selbst ,,Versuche" machen, in dem ich mit den Kindern spiele und mir die Theorie mal in der Praxis anschaue. Literatur scheint zu dem Thema auch ausreichend vorhanden zu sein. Das wird super ^^
Im Moment geh ich voll auf in meinem Studium und abgesehen von den 5-7 Hausarbeiten n�chstes Semester, hab ich auch noch nichts negatives entdecken k�nnen. Ich freu mich einfach auch auf jeden neuen Unitag, an dem ich wieder interessante Dinge lerne und tolle Menschen treffe, auch wenn ich manchmal echt lange in der Uni sitze. Am Donnerstag warens 10-11 Stunden.. Ok, da war schon ne Pause bei, die wir beim Essen, Kaffee trinken und nat�rlich beim KOPIEREN verbracht haben. Kopieren ist eh das A und O bei uns. Wer nicht kopiert, der verliert XD Ist halt nur ziemlich schei�e, dass das alles so derbe teuer ist. Wir haben immer noch kein Baf�g und kaum noch Geld f�rs Essen, aber hauptsache, ich hab erstmal alles kopiert und meine B�cher besorgt. Naja.. Alle n�tigen Dinge hab ich immer noch nicht, aber die m�ssen jetzt eben warten. Geht leider nicht anders.
Ansonsten kann ich �ber den Schwierigkeitsgrad der Vorlesungen noch nicht all zu viel sagen. Empirie scheint schon was komplizierter zu sein, das ist allerdings immer noch kein Vergleich zu Statistik. Ich hoffe einfach mal, dass das alles nur die ersten Eindr�cke sind und Statistik nicht so verwirrend ist, wie ich das in der ersten Stunde wahrgenommen hab. Hier ist wirklich verwirrend der richtige ausdruck. Ich glaub, wenn man das Thema mal richtig erfasst hat, ists auch nicht mehr kompliziert. Naja.. Da muss ich wohl wirklich erstmal abwarten.
Ansonsten bin ich grad immer noch dabei, flei�ig Italienisch zu lernen. Ich kann auch schon einiges Sagen und Verstehen :D Die hat aber auch ein extrem hohes Tempo vorgelegt. Bin mal gespannt, ob ich da bis zum Ende hin mithalten kann.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Today we stopped for gas first thing.�It was only $2.999 per gallon which seems cheap now.�Then we got back n the Blue Ridge Parkway and headed south.�The sun was shining brightly and many of the trees had changed color.�The effect was stunning.�As we went up in elevation, a larger proportion of the trees had changed.�I stopped at almost every pull-out to take photos.�Every shot seemed better than the one before.�We didnrsquo;t make very fast progress.�

About noon we hit our first detour around a section of the Parkway that was closed.�The detour was well marked and the scenery was nice, but I was disappointed.�We were back on in just before the Moses H. Cone Memorial Park Visitor Center.�I have always liked that place, so we stopped.�The tree colors were good, but not at the peak yet.�The old house is well taken care of and looks great sitting there above the fields, etc.�I think that the craft shop portion has greatly expanded since I was there last year.�There were many fine items to tempt me.�It is lucky that we donrsquo;t have room to carry new purchases.

After a quick lunch in the RV, we proceeded south along the Parkway.�It was still a very

pretty drive, but it ended at Little Switzerland soon after we started.�The road was again closed up ahead with no outlet.�We took a very steep Rt-226 down the mountain.�We had to get onto I-40 eventually.�Since it was late, we decided to stay on the interstate to Candler, NC where there was a KOA.�It was about 5:00 PM when we got there and I was bushed.�We were given a nice wooded lot at the far end of the park with a view and nobody around.�The only problem was that the bathrooms and showers were sub-standard and dirty.�We paid much too much for all that, but I was too tired to complain.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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What Christine said.

Now prepare yourselves for total awesome as I introduce the beautiful and amazing Lina Inverse, sorceress supreme. Though she isnapos;t as much a sorceress right now as she is a Eliza Dushku of the cheerleading team. Yuffie won this little half-tomboy over because of her skillz and now they are scary, scary buddies.

Friend this journal and prepare for plottage, or else Iapos;ll really cause some trouble~~
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american crafts council baltimore 2005

Seriously I was thinking this year wonapos;t be celebrating birthday already. Thats why I totally didnapos;t expect an early�surprise. I feel really thankful for everything today, for making today more than what it will ever be(:� Thanks for giving me the bestest birthday present which was what�I really wanted :D heehee. You guys really make me feel like coming to Anderson was the best decision Iapos;ve ever made. Forever Friends.

ps: paiseh for being so blur about having econs consultation hee

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